Tag Archives: smart affiliate marketing

Affiliate Marketing Mistakes – How to Avoid Making These Fatal Affiliate Marketing Mistakes

affiliate marketing mistakes [and success]Affiliate marketing is often viewed as a “starter” activity in internet marketing. In theory, it’s easy enough. You don’t need a website or even a product. Yet it’s not as easy as it seems. Many beginners make mistakes that sabotage their success. Read on to find out if you too make those mistakes?

Are YOU Making These Affiliate Marketing Mistakes?

1) You don’t know enough about the product you recommend

The first, biggest, and most common mistake is that marketers don’t really know the product they recommend.

Sure, it can get expensive to buy every product you want to recommend, yet consider the cost of recommending a product that doesn’t live up to the promises made on the sales page! The best strategy is to recommend products (and services) you use yourself. At the very least, buy the new product and check it out thoroughly.

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