Tag Archives: unplugged and making money

Unplugged And Making Money Workshop (Kevin Riley) Review

Businessman unpluggedSo many dream of making money while they sleep. But being truly unplugged for days and even weeks at a time and STILL making money is so much better than having to wake up (after having some PayPal deposits overnight) and getting back to work.

I find it interesting that I haven’t read a whole lot about this concept – until Kevin Riley told me about his new course: Unplugged And Making Money!

I’ve known Kevin for a few years now, and I know that he lives what he preaches. In fact, he’s been living the ultimate “Unplugged” lifestyle for several years now.

WITHOUT spending a ton of money on outsourcers or staff. Or any money at all, to the best of my knowledge. The only “outsourcer” he uses is his virtual mail assistant (not exactly the term he uses) who answers all my emails instantly, letting me know that the “master” is gallivanting about somewhere but will get back to me as soon as possible. And he always does.

What’s inside “Unplugged And Making Money Workshop”?

So what’s inside the box? Or the course? Kevin teaches us exactly what it takes to follow in his footsteps and create a business that will allow us to unplug ourselves for days (and eventually weeks) at a time too. How cool is that!

Let’s look at the ingredients…

First, there’s a 2-hour or so video. Unless I’ve missed a download link (or unless he has added it since I last checked) you have to watch it online, and that can be a pain.

I noticed that when I tried to rewind it a bit it went back to the beginning. Arrrrghh! So this is one thing I’m not so crazy about.

However, the PDF guide is extremely comprehensive and more than 200 pages long. Well, okay, it’s 202 pages long, so you will want to use it to study the program in depth and implement it.

In addition, he included several fill-in-the-blanks templates and other templates you can use to create your own information products.

And yes, he guides you along as you find your perfect niche and decide on the perfect product for your future customers. And then, he gives you plenty of help as you create your product.

Get Unplugged And Make Money!

And he doesn’t stop there. He also gives you the exact step-by-step instructions to create your own automated mail assistant, whom you can call anything you like. And of course, how to build and then automate all the rest of your digital empire, starting with your first product.

Who The Heck Is Kevin Riley?

Indeed. And why should you listen to him?

You mean aside from the fact that he lives what he teaches? Including living in Japan and traveling all over the world for fun (and the occasional conference)?

Kevin is an outstanding teacher – and very entertaining too. He’s particularly good at presenting information that might be intimidating and making it easy to follow… and fun.

But that alone wouldn’t be enough to seek him out. It’s WHAT he teaches that really closes the deal. He’s great at teaching you how to build a business. A successful business. And unlike certain other teachers, he doesn’t leave out the crucial info. It’s all there!

In many of his materials, he even embellishes his teachings with cartoons – which he draws himself! He’s very good at that as well!

So Kevin has made a name for himself in the Warrior Forum, where he created and sold a series of very popular products and was recruited by the owner to teach several in-depth workshops – on product creation and on video creation.

He’s also been invited to teach at a variety of international IM conferences. That’s where I first met him in person – at the Warrior Conference in Raleigh a few years back.

And he created this particular Workshop for this year’s NAMS conference, just aa few months ago. But we all can get it now, served to us on a silver platter, for a small fraction of the price the NAMS members had to pay to get it. No airline tickets, no hotel costs, and no conference fees either.

What Unplugged And Making Money Can Do For YOU?

I’m not going to promise you untold riches and financial freedom. That’s because I don’t know whether you will be taking action.

The truth is, this works ONLY if you actually do the work. If you put one foot in front of the other and follow Kevin’s very clear directions, and use the tools he gives you, then your chances will be excellent that you’ll get results.

If you do, this could really help you build a business that allows you to unplug from work.

We are so often talking about wanting to build a work from home business, or a work at home one. But do you REALLY want to be tethered to your home (and computer) all day, every day? So many of us are. And if we take some time off, our money may take some time off too from flowing into our PayPal accounts.

That’s what Kevin wants to help us get away from. As you can see in the video, he loves his freedom. And he wants the same for us too.

He wants you to build a business that allows you to get away from work – and enjoy your life. Whether that means going to the park on a beautiful day at your leisure, or going trekking in New Zealand for a few weeks.

Click HERE to get Unplugged!

Click on the link above and check out Kevin’s video where he explains what it’s all about.