Tag Archives: video blogging challenge bonus

Tiffany Lambert Video Blogging Challenge Review And Bonus

Tiffany Lambert Video Blogging Challenge Review BonusTiffany Lambert just started her new Video Blogging Challenge. Actually, it’s a “mini challenge” – unlike her normal challenges it will only continue for 2 weeks, and the price tag is “mini” too! In this Video Blogging Challenge Review and Bonus article I’d like to tell you more about what it’s like to be inside of the challenge and how I have already benefitted.

And, of course, I’m going to give you a bonus if you sign up through my link. More about the bonus later though. Let’s get started with the Blogging Challenge.

Why I signed up for Tiffany Lambert’s Video Blogging Challenge

I signed up for the challenge because I am kind of a video virgin. I’m intimidated by all things video, both the part about having my face out there and the technical part.

But I’ve decided to change all that. I realized that I’m losing out in a big way by not doing video. Just the other week, I was participating in a Facebook Engagement Challenge, and wouldn’t you know it… it included a task involving video, and I couldn’t even do it because I didn’t have the technology lined up.

And then, I bought an outstanding training on affiliate marketing, and, well, that too was focused around video. And as I watched the whole thing, I learned so much that I felt really upset about not being able to do it.

So when Tiffany announced that she’d do the video blogging challenge, I decided to sign up. Yes, I would have to figure out how to deal with the tech stuff, but I was willing to do what I had to to make it work.

By the way, I asked Tiff before I signed up whether she would help us with our technical challenges, and she said NO. There were just too many variables with all of our different equipment that this was not going to be part of the training. So I knew I was going to be on my own.

But since I decided to do it anyway, I had made a commitment to do what it took.  And so…

What happened on Day One of Tiffany’s Video Blogging Challenge

I was in, and kind of excited and nervous. But I also had a weekend, plus I had bought a web cam that I hadn’t even hooked up yet. So I realized I just had to bite the bullet and connected it. Then I followed some instructions I found online, and, gosh, darn it, it worked!

The next thing I knew, I was happily recording videos!

So let’s just say, Tiff managed to do something that a lot of others have failed to do. Got me motivated enough to actually get over this HUGE stumbling block.

I then sent her my video, and she gave me very encouraging feedback, plus a couple of great tips that will help me make my next one even better. Woo Hoo!

Come and join me! Just click here to find out more!

I’m now ready for day two!

What’s inside Tiffany’s Video Blogging Challenge

Basically, you’ll find a protected blog post for each day. You will need a password to access it (and also need to enter it for the video). So yes, there’s some text and a video, plus lots and lots of comments.

Tiff goes through all the comments and provides detailed answers and feedback.

She does that on all her challenges, and I’ve done a bunch of them with her, so I know how the routine works. It’s like a coaching program, but without the big price tag.

The Video Blogging Challenge Bonus

Here’s what I as a bonus: Since Tiff is placing most of the focus on the video part, I decided to provide a special additional training on the blogging portion, including how to get it set up and with lots of tips on how to get the most mileage from it.

Just Click HERE to get your Video Blogging Challenge AND Bonus!

You’ll get the link for the download page right on the same page where you can access Tiffany’s training.