Tag Archives: tiffany dow review

Tiffany Dow’s “Guide To Cashing In On Shiny New Object Syndrome” – Review Part 5: Implementation, Challenges & Preliminary Results

shiny objects ebookIt’s been a little while since Part 4 of my review of Tiffany Dow’s “Guide to Cashing in on Shiny New Object Syndrome.”

Last time, I told you that I would be starting my review of Kevin Riley’s “Commission Stealth Bombs” – and so now that review series is all the way into Part 3, which is setting up those stealth bombs.

Reviewing Kevin Riley’s Commission Stealth Bombs

As I said, I started with a completely fresh stealth bomb, one that appeared in the membership area just 2 days ago, and walked through the setup. Coming up next: Getting it out there, so people can find it.

As Tiffany also suggested,
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Review of Tiffany Dow’s Guide To Cashing In On Shiny New Object Syndrome, Part 4: Putting It Into Practice

Alright. This is where the rubber hits the road, i.e., the part where I’m finally putting Tiffany’s teachings on how to DO the cashing in into practice. This right here, is part four of the blog about Tiffany’s Guide. BUT the other part of the review is implementation, and that means, picking another product and putting THAT into practice and writing a detailed review about THAT.

And so this is where I’m going to tell you what I’ll do my review on.

As I mentioned before, the product I’ll review is

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Review of Tiffany Dow’s “Guide To Cashing In On Shiny New Object Syndrome”, Part 3 – On The OTHER Side Of The BUY Button

shiny objects ebookThis is part 3 of my review of Tiffany Dow’s “Guide to Cashing In on Shiny New Object Syndrome.” Last time, in part 2, I wrote about the sales letter. This post will be on what happens after you hit the “BUY” button.

What Happens Next…

Okay, so you hit the “BUY” button. What happens next?

You’re taken to a secure order form, where you have the choice of paying with your credit card or PayPal. I like having that choice! Paying with PayPal may be faster, but paying with a credit card gives you more options…

And once you click on the Pay Now button, you’re taken to a payment confirmation page, with a link to click on to complete your order.

And what comes after THAT is the key. You will go to…

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Review of Tiffany Dow’s Guide To Cashing In On Shiny New Object Syndrome, Part 2 (Skid Marks)

shiny objects ebookTiffany Dow’s Guide to Cashing in on Shiny New Object Syndrome may change how we make purchasing decisions – or at least help us make less guilty about what we buy.

Reviewing the sales page

Just looking at the sales page made me kind of giddy. You see, I’m a bona fide example of someone with Shiny New Object Syndrome. And so when I was reading the sales page, I went, Woo Hoo! And I could hardly make my way through the page fast enough to hit the “BUY” button!
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Review Of Tiffany Dow’s Guide To Cashing In On Shiny New Object Syndrome, Part 1

Do you have shiny new object syndrome? In the unlikely event that you don’t know what this is, do you get excited about one product after another, and buy way too many of them? Me too. Which is why I bought Tiff’s guide and well…

This is going to be a review with a twist. I’ll explain in a minute. The object of my review is Tiffany Dow’s Guide to Cashing in on Shiny New Object Syndrome. It’s also the subject, of sorts. I’m reviewing it, and I’m letting the very product guide my review.

Sounds a bit circular? It is. Okay, here’s the deal…

What is Tiffany Dow’s Guide to Cashing in on Shiny New Object Syndrome all about?

Tiffany, generally known as Tiff, wrote this book to help all of us who are plagued by Shiny New Object syndrome. Some of it call it Bright Shiny Object syndrome. No matter. The affliction means that we’re mesmerized by all those cool things appearing in our inbox, and we can’t resist…

We’re all excited, but before we have the chance to even begin making use of that new shiny object, another one captures our attention, and whooosh! Off we go, after the new one. And so it goes. Wash, rinse, repeat.

The Twist on the Review Concept

Tiff shows us how to actually make money with our Shiny New Object syndrome – by using it to create painstakingly detailed and brutally honest reviews, going on over multiple posts, sharing our opinion about anything from the sales page to the customer service. Most importantly, we investigate the question: Does it work?

Sneaky, huh? Because in order to find out if it works, we have to actually USE it! We have to implement the shiny new object, or else the whole system won’t work.

Now I’m supposed to postpone judgment until way later, but I have to admit that the concept is simply brilliant!

Which is why I immediately decided to review Tiff’s guide. After reading it. Even though I was excited from the get-go, I am not making commitments without knowing what I’m getting into here.

So here it is, My review of Tiffany Dow’s Guide To Cashing In On Shiny New Object Syndrome, Part 1.

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