Dennis Becker: From “5 Bucks A Day” to “Earn 1K A Day” – And Beyond


From 5 Bucks to 6 Figures

From 5 Bucks to 6 Figures

I first found out about Dennis Becker through his ebook “5 Bucks A Day.” I believe it was even the junior version. The book has helped thousands follow in Dennis’s footsteps, and it led eventually to his highly successful forum and membership site Earn 1k A Day.

If you’re not familiar with Dennis and his work, you may well be wondering… how the heck is 5 bucks a day going to make a difference in anyone’s financial situation?

Well, let’s see… 5 bucks a day is 150 bucks a month (approximately) and more than 1,800/year.

But of course Dennis didn’t stop there. Discover how he took 5 bucks a day to 1K a day… and beyond. And how you can do the same thing!

The 5 Bucks Secret: It’s Cumulative

As I said, it’s not about making 5 bucks a day, period. It’s about creating 5 bucks a day streams of income – a new one every week, adding to the one(s) you already have.

So the secret lies in the fact that this system is cumulative. At least if you do it right.

So what can you do?

There are lots of options…

Click here to read more!

One Week Profits – Make Money in ONE Week

money treeOMG! Dennis has done it again, only way better!

If you’ve been following him or me, you know about his 5 bucks a day guide, and you may have thought, what the heck is 5 bucks a day going to do for me? My mortgage is due in a week, and even if things work as advertised, $35 just aren’t going to cut it.

Well, it’s true. The 5 bucks a day plan is a long-term strategy. So what are we supposed to do if we need the income FAST?

Dennis understands. And he created a big new downloadable guide that solves that problem!

CLICK HERE To Check It Out!

I just finished reading it, and it truly is fantastic.

What’s in it? Ten (10) ways to generate an income THIS week! Or in 7 days, to be more precise.

And not just chump change either…

Some of the methods bring in more, others not quite so much, but still…

Here’s how he structured the book:

First, he goes over the 10 methods, giving you enough information so you can tell which one might work for you, and which ones might
not be so ideal.

Then, he goes into depth.

For each of the methods, he starts by explaining it, and THEN, he lays it out, day by day, so you can just follow along, and by the end of the week, you’ve got the income you need.

The best thing… all the methods have a little (or big) twist, so you won’t get the same old techniques you’ve read before. These are good stuff.

Dennis has one condition of sorts… He asks that you work on ONE method at a time, but of course, you can do another one the next week, and continue to do the first one, now that you know how to do it.

It’s one of the coolest books I’ve come across in YEARS. And I will put it to use myself.

CLICK HERE To Check It Out!

Just click on the link to find out more. And if it feels right for you (ONLY if you want to generate a significant boost in your bank or PayPal account), consider investing in it.

It’s less than a couple of Starbucks frappuccinos.

But it’s going to go on a dime sale soon if it hasn’t
switched over already. And you know what that means, right? With every sale, the price goes up! So you may want to get it before too many others are getting there first…

I’m just so excited about this book! I’m thinking of creating a case study.

Marlon Sanders’ WP Dashboard For Leads And Sales: A Review


Marlon Sanders WordPress DashboardMarlon Sanders’ WP (WordPress) Dashboard is finally available. Months ago, he offered some of us a pilot version to test out and provide feedback on, and I was lucky enough to get one. I provided a lengthy list of feedback, and the new version is terrific.

Is Marlon Sanders’ WP Dashboard for you?

It is, if you want to build a blog, and want to make sure you didn’t miss anything crucial.

First of all, it’s perfect for beginners. If I had had access to this, it would have saved me thousands of dollars over the last several years! I remember paying someone twice several hundred dollars to teach me what’s basically in the first row or two of Marlon’s dashboard.

Only, that person’s teachings weren’t remotely as clear – i sweated bullets trying to make it all work. I was able to build my first blog or two, but now, that I know so much more, I build them in a small fraction of the time.

What else?

If you have any ambition to gather leads and make sales with your blog, you will find Marlon’s WP Dashboard very helpful.

Is It Helpful For Advanced WP Users?

I would say that it is, at least for many of them. It definitely is for me.

One of the disadvantages is also an advantage. Sure, I already know most of the info that’s in the first few rows. In fact, just looking at the icons, I found that I was familiar with a lot of what’s in there. But…

A lot of it is in the details. Marlon shares secret tricks and how-to sequences for things I do NOT necessarily know how to do. And since I already know the majority, I can zoom right ahead to get the new (to me) stuff and incorporate it into my blogs.

I’m looking forward to digging through his suggested plugins, and how to use video effectively, and his tips on the ethical bribe, and lots more.

The Bonuses Are Golden!

And then there are the bonuses… Yowza! They are worth a multiple of the price. Also, this is a dashboard that helps you set up a WordPress site. It doesn’t go too much into how to get traffic, though if you set it up right, you’re quite a ways ahead of the game when it comes to the traffic issue.

And of course, as you may know, Marlon has a Traffic Dashboard, so it’s not necessarily in his best interest to go overboard with sharing traffic tricks.


In his bonuses, there’s a ton of incredibly valuable information on Traffic! It complements his dashboard perfectly.

I’m not entirely sure how long the bonuses will be available, but knowing Marlon, even if the fancy ones go away, there’ll be others added later, so there’ll be a bonus one way or another, and it will be helpful.

I’ll have to dig around in it more thoroughly, but I wanted to let you know about Marlon Sanders’ WordPress Dashboard right away so won’t miss out on the bonuses!

My Own Additional Bonuses!

In order to encourage you to invest in Marlon’s WP Dashboard, I’m offering some of my own bonuses in addition to Marlon’s bonuses. I bet you have a few questions, and I’ll answer them for you:

What are my WP Dashboard Bonuses?

The bonuses I’m offering may vary over time. However, if you sign up early, you will get my current bonuses AND any potential replacement bonuses I might offer within the 30 days.

But if you sign up later, you’ll only get the bonuses available at that time. So signing up earlier is better. So here are the current bonuses:

1) Social Media For Business Course

As I mentioned above, this Dashboard falls a bit short in the traffic area. In part, that makes sense because there’s a whole other dashboard just for traffic.

But if you want to get a headstart, you’ll appreciate this Social Media For Business Course. It’s delivered over a period of 4 weeks (with maybe a bonus week thrown in), and it comes with detailed instructions PLUS worksheets/assignments.

2) Pinterest for Business

The benefit of this bonus is similar to the first one – only this one will focus on Pinterest, a wildly powerful social media platform that works quite well with a blog.

3) TWO Coaching Q & A Calls

I have long offered a Blogging course, and I am just about to run another round. And YOU will get access to TWO of my own Get Started With WordPress Blogging Q&A and Coaching Calls, which will give you the opportunity to get your questions answered and make the most of your new Dashboard.

How Will You Get My Bonuses?

Here’s how you’ll get your bonuses. It’s a simple 5-step process:

Step 1: Purchase the WP Dashboard through the link above.

CLICK HERE to Get Your Dashboard!

Step 2: Send an email to the following email address:

CLICK HERE to Claim Your Bonuses!

Step 3: Include “Dashboard Bonus” in the subject line.

Step 4: Look for an email from me to you with further instructions.

Step 5: Enjoy your bonuses

CLICK HERE for Marlon’s WP Dashboard

How To Make Money Online From Your Writing

Click Here For Free Stuff

make money from writingDo you enjoy writing? Are you wondering how you could turn your writing into an online income?

You’re in luck. While the idea of making a living from your writing has long made people think of the starving poet in his tiny studio under the leaky roof, you don’t need to be extremely lucky anymore to make a real living from your creative work.

With the internet, you can sell your writing online – and get paid well for it.

How much you get paid depends a lot on what you plan to write and where you’re going to offer it, but still – if you’re reasonably good, you can earn a pretty penny quickly.

Here are a few ideas to get you going: Click here to read more!

Tech Tips: 1Shoppingcart Optin Form Formatting Problem & Solution

Click Here For Free Stuff

Click Here for Reviews

If you’ve read my recent reviews, you may have noticed (or rather you probably couldn’t fail to notice) the wonky opt-in forms. There was a 3-inch blank space above each of them, and nothing I did made it go away.

I was really frustrated. That was a new one!

Trying to Get Help For The 1Shoppingcart Optin Form Formatting Problem

At first, I thought it was because I’m using an ANCIENT theme, but no. Yesterday, I was putting a 1Shoppingcart optin form on one of my clients’ sites, and aaargh! It did the same thing! HUGE white space. Not cool!

So I called up 1Shoppingcart’s tech support…

Click here to read more!

Kevin Riley’s “Commission Stealth Bombs” Review Part 4: Putting the Stealth Bombs to Work

Commission Stealth BombsIn my previous review parts I wrote about what stealth bombs are and how to set them up. Now, it’s time to put them to work – to send them out into cyber space and get people to read them and sign up for your list – and/or buy the product.

And as I mentioned before, Kevin Riley provides a lot of help for that step.

I’m not going to give you the exact details – that wouldn’t fair to him, but I’ll give you an approximate idea of what he has provided.

As always, he provides very detailed step-by-step instructions for each technique, so you can just follow along and set it up.

I’ve used two of the techniques so far. One that I THOUGHT I already knew, but…

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Tiffany Dow’s “Guide To Cashing In On Shiny New Object Syndrome” – Review Part 5: Implementation, Challenges & Preliminary Results

shiny objects ebookIt’s been a little while since Part 4 of my review of Tiffany Dow’s “Guide to Cashing in on Shiny New Object Syndrome.”

Last time, I told you that I would be starting my review of Kevin Riley’s “Commission Stealth Bombs” – and so now that review series is all the way into Part 3, which is setting up those stealth bombs.

Reviewing Kevin Riley’s Commission Stealth Bombs

As I said, I started with a completely fresh stealth bomb, one that appeared in the membership area just 2 days ago, and walked through the setup. Coming up next: Getting it out there, so people can find it.

As Tiffany also suggested,
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Kevin Riley’s “Commission Stealth Bombs” Review Part 3: Setting Up The Stealth Bombs

Commission Stealth BombsWelcome to part 3 of my serial applied review of Kevin Riley’s “Commission Stealth Bombs”: Setting Up The Stealth Bombs!

All the stealth bombs Kevin Riley provides would do you no good if they just sit on your hard drive. Of course that’s no news! We all have stuff sitting on the hard drive that could make us money.

Well most of us, I should say, and with “us” I mean those in internet marketing who buy products in hopes of making money online. I suppose there might be some super disciplined people out there who actually implement everything they buy, but I have yet to meet them.

That’s not counting a few of my favorite mentors – and I suspect they may have a few skeletons in their closet too…

Anyway, most of the time, the problem is that something is missing or unclear, and so people simply get stuck. This is why I have picked this particular product to review – in the sales page video it ways that it requires no previous knowledge, no experience, and no special skills.

Really? We shall see.

Click here to read more!

Review of Kevin Riley’s “Commission Stealth Bombs” Part 2: Beyond the Buy Button & First Project

Commission Stealth BombsWelcome to part 2 of my serial applied review of Kevin Riley’s “Commission Stealth Bombs”: What happens after you click the Buy Button?

Once you’ve made your payment, you’ll be taken to a page where you create a login ID and password, and then you’ll be taken to the login page where you can… log in!

What’s Inside Commission Stealth Bombs

Once inside, you’ll find yourself in the “Command Center” of the Commission Stealth Bombs membership site with a welcome or rather orientation video where Kevin explains…

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How To Make Your First Online Income

Your First Dollar OnlineHow to make your first online dollars – or your first online income. It can be frustrating to get started online. So many shiny objects to distract you. So many traps to fall into.

How to make your first dollar online

But here, I’m not going to focus on those. I wrote a little guide on how to make money in your jammies that gave you three basic strategies for making money online that really work. And that are totally legitimate!

And it’s ONE of those strategies that I recommend for starters… especially if you need to make money fast:

Click here to read more!